You are pre-registered!
This is a confirmation email to notify you that we have received your daughter(s) registration details for g.a.b's "G.O.A.T" - Get Outside And Train program.
Attached are the materials you and your daughter must read before signing off on the liability waiver forms. These waiver forms will need to be printed off and signed by both parent and participant and emailed back to: [email protected] within 3 days.
New - Concussion - Rowan's Law
As of July 1, 2019, Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety) came into effect. Ontario is the first province in Canada to pass concussion safety legislation. The purpose of this law is to increase education and awareness for coaches, parents/guardians, players, officials, managers and other team or club members on the signs and symptoms of concussion and the specific protocols for managing concussion. Read "ConcussionsProtocol.pdf" attached.
In addition to Rowan's Law, because we (g.a.b - girls addicted to basketball) are covered under Ontario Basketball's (OBA) insurance, you and your daughter must also read and follow their Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct. This will ensure 1) that participants with a suspected concussion are removed-from-sport and seek medical assessment and 2) all participants with a suspected and/or diagnosed concussion do not participate in OBA/g.a.b sanctioned activities before medically cleared to return to basketball. Read "ConcussionProtocol" attached.
As the province moves to another step in its re-opening phase and now lifting the mask mandate, we at g.a.b - want to ensure all members participating are not showing any signs of COVID-19. Attached is an "attestation form" that needs to be printed off and signed by a parent each week to ensure your daughter is not experiencing any symptoms. Even though we are outside, should your daughter experience one symptom, we ask that she remain at home. Read "OBA_g.a.b_Covid19screening" attached.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
A program schedule and drop-off/pick-up and parking schedule will be sent out closer to the start date.
Please make sure you submit via email: [email protected] your g.a.b waiver forms within 3 days or you will lose your spot.
The Staff at g.a.b
Attached are the materials you and your daughter must read before signing off on the liability waiver forms. These waiver forms will need to be printed off and signed by both parent and participant and emailed back to: [email protected] within 3 days.
New - Concussion - Rowan's Law
As of July 1, 2019, Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety) came into effect. Ontario is the first province in Canada to pass concussion safety legislation. The purpose of this law is to increase education and awareness for coaches, parents/guardians, players, officials, managers and other team or club members on the signs and symptoms of concussion and the specific protocols for managing concussion. Read "ConcussionsProtocol.pdf" attached.
In addition to Rowan's Law, because we (g.a.b - girls addicted to basketball) are covered under Ontario Basketball's (OBA) insurance, you and your daughter must also read and follow their Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct. This will ensure 1) that participants with a suspected concussion are removed-from-sport and seek medical assessment and 2) all participants with a suspected and/or diagnosed concussion do not participate in OBA/g.a.b sanctioned activities before medically cleared to return to basketball. Read "ConcussionProtocol" attached.
As the province moves to another step in its re-opening phase and now lifting the mask mandate, we at g.a.b - want to ensure all members participating are not showing any signs of COVID-19. Attached is an "attestation form" that needs to be printed off and signed by a parent each week to ensure your daughter is not experiencing any symptoms. Even though we are outside, should your daughter experience one symptom, we ask that she remain at home. Read "OBA_g.a.b_Covid19screening" attached.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
A program schedule and drop-off/pick-up and parking schedule will be sent out closer to the start date.
Please make sure you submit via email: [email protected] your g.a.b waiver forms within 3 days or you will lose your spot.
The Staff at g.a.b