Just a few testimonials from parents & participants
“The positive atmosphere and quotes I heard on the last day of camp was very encouraging to me as a parent-this will help reinforce her with a strong sense of self-esteem” –G.&A. Levy
“My daughter loved both the classroom and basketball development sessions. They were taught with a high degree of enthusiasm and professionalism” – P. Scinocca
“She had lots of fun, learned a lot and met some really great people” –M. Kennedy
“As day 5 came to an end, I left the gym feeling like I won something; more knowledge, skill, and new sense of guidance for basketball as well as life”-L. Osei
“She wanted to know how much is the mortgage payment, what was the market value for an apartment, and how much were the monthly expenses? I’ve tried to have these discussions in the past but she was never interested.” –W. Grossett
“Coach always believes in me. So every time I think I can’t do something, I think back to what coach says and say to myself: ‘I BELIEVE’ ’’- M. Weathered-McKay
“The positive atmosphere and quotes I heard on the last day of camp was very encouraging to me as a parent-this will help reinforce her with a strong sense of self-esteem” –G.&A. Levy
“My daughter loved both the classroom and basketball development sessions. They were taught with a high degree of enthusiasm and professionalism” – P. Scinocca
“She had lots of fun, learned a lot and met some really great people” –M. Kennedy
“As day 5 came to an end, I left the gym feeling like I won something; more knowledge, skill, and new sense of guidance for basketball as well as life”-L. Osei
“She wanted to know how much is the mortgage payment, what was the market value for an apartment, and how much were the monthly expenses? I’ve tried to have these discussions in the past but she was never interested.” –W. Grossett
“Coach always believes in me. So every time I think I can’t do something, I think back to what coach says and say to myself: ‘I BELIEVE’ ’’- M. Weathered-McKay