g.a.b runs WNBA event hosted by Tangerine Bank on November 13, 2022 It was a dream come true for g.a.b to work with the WNBA and showcase our programming that builds confidence in girls! It was equally empowering to watch majority of the g.a.b staff who led the event were once former g.a.b participants. Can you guess which of the six g.a.b coaches were once participants in the picture below?
"Get Outside And Train" (GOAT) program - Our COVID-19 Response From April - June, 2022, g.a.b was able to get girls active again by offering free basketball training outdoors as our response to COVID-19's isolation of families and physical activity. A very special thanks to Jumpstart's Sport Relief Fund for allowing us to offer this free program to our community members. g.a.b was one of nearly 300 sport & recreation organizations across Canada to receive grant funding.
15 Year Anniversary July 2020 would have marked g.a.b's 15 year anniversary but all plans were cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, on June 10, 2021 g.a.b celebrated community, connections and confidence in a virtual way to honour our 15 years of service. Learn more and watch the digital experience here.
"The Six" in Regent Park It was a pleasure to work with the girls from the Regent Park Community to offer this FREE Christmas 2019 program called "The Six". We offered six of our important workshops to improve their self-esteem and personal worth that were fun, engaging and informative. Thank you to MLSE LaunchPad for hosting us! A special shout out to the graduated g.a.b girls for pursuing excellence in their post-secondary education as they received Scholarship Money for their educational pursuits. Thank you to TD Bank Group for their commitment to supporting our girls education!
Champion Change It was an honour for g.a.b to participate in the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) "Champion Change" 2018 campaign. We strongly believe in the need for more female coaches and for more girls to actively participate in sport. A huge thank you to g.a.b participant Rasa and coaches Leanne & Gabby for starring in this video!
TD Bank Shines a Spotlight On Us In April of 2017, g.a.b was chosen as TD's Spotlight for operating a small businesses that is making an impact in the community.
Raptors Community MVP Awarded to Us! In November of 2016, g.a.b was recognized as an organization that makes a difference in the Toronto Basketball Community by the Toronto Raptors. Read more by visiting the Toronto Raptors Facebook post: click here.
10 Year Anniversary On August 6, 2015 girls addicted to basketball turned 10 years old and celebrated the night in a big way!
10 Year Anniversary: Youth Testimonies
10 Year Anniversary Honours Coaches Omari Wiltshire & Devin Munro:
Toronto Raptors VIP Experience On February 27, 2015, g.a.b participant Florence was selected by us to receive VIP treatment from the Toronto Raptors in connection with the Canadian Chinese Youth Athletic Association (CCYAA) for Florence's contribution to the Toronto community through volunteering. She volunteered to raise awareness for Epilepsy, gave countless hours to Markhaven Senior's Home and ran a basketball camp for small children. Congratulations Florence! We are so proud of you!
2013 Spring House League (two divisions) Promotional Video
Global News In February 2008, Susan Hay from Global Television featured g.a.b as a program that makes a difference in the lives of female youth.